
Our vision is for civil society to be fully engaged as equal partners with the public and private sectors in the sustainable development of Saint Lucia.


To strengthen and support the individual and collective efforts and capacities of our members to contribute consistently to the national development agenda and programmes in all stages of their evolution.

Mandate: In pursuit of its vision and mission, the Coalition shall make every effort to:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of its members and the Coalition as a whole in pursuit of a shared vision for a sustainable future;
  2. Facilitate opportunities for members to develop their capacity in pursuit of their own mandates;
  3. Provide a platform for discussion and debate among members and with the wider society on matters related to sustainable development and good governance;
  4. Become a mechanism for civil society to influence national, regional and international policy;
  5. Monitor progress towards, and achievement of sustainable development goals;
  6. Participate in various fora that may be of benefit to its members;
  7. Undertake research and evaluation to support the Coalition’s mission;
  8. Promote, advocate for, and where possible facilitate effective social accountability; and
  9. Engage government and development partners in mobilizing resources to achieve its mandate.

Guiding Principles: The following principles shall guide the Coalition in its relationship with its members, the wider public, government and development partners:

  1. Individual and collective advancement: Coalition members pledge to support each other in pursuit of their individual and collective mandates;
  2. Empowerment: The Coalition shall seek to enable its members to advance their own development and take ownership of such processes;
  3. Advocacy: The Coalition shall actively advocate for government to strengthen the enabling environment for, and to work towards achieving sustainable development;
  4. Diversity of Opinion: Recognising the diversity of skills, ideas and background of its members, the Coalition shall consider all views from its members in conducting its affairs;
  5. Commonality of Purpose: All members are expected to embrace sustainable development principles as the common purpose of the Coalition;
  6. Equity: The Coalition and its members will be guided by principles of equity in the pursuit of their mandates; and
  7. Transparency and accountability:
    • The governance, decision-making and programming of the Coalition will be conducted in a transparent manner, and the organisation shall be accountable to its members, partners, donors and the country as a whole for all aspects of is operations; and
    • Members of the Coalition will have an obligation to act in accordance with its vision, mission, mandate and the operational principles with respect to their interaction with the organisation.

Objectives: In pursuit of its mandate, the Coalition shall pursue the following objectives:

  1. Promote and facilitate improved cooperation and collaboration among Coalition members and between members, public and private sector agencies and development partners;
  2. Create inclusive, transparent and fully participatory processes to engage members and partners in pursuit of the Coalition’s mission;
  3. Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on sustainable development issues of interest to Coalition members and the wider society;
  4. Facilitate capacity development of members to pursue their mandates and that of the Coalition;
  5. Identify and leverage resources to promote the work of the Coalition;
  6. Promote good governance within the Coalition and in the wider society;
  7. Represent the collective views of Coalition members;
  8. Monitor and influence government and donor policies, and development practices; and
  9. Conduct or facilitate public debates and forums dedicated to the advancement of sustainable development.