The Coalition of Civil Society Organisations (CCSO) joins its member, the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD), in celebrating Saint Lucia’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol. Saint Lucia became a signatory to this convention on 22nd September 2011 and officially ratified the CRPD on 11th June 2020. Saint Lucia’s ratification of this convention is reflected on the United Nations Treaty Collection website. We invite you to take a moment to proudly view this listing by clicking here: UNTC Website.

Subsequent to many years of effort by the United Nations to change the perceptions about and the manner in which persons with disabilities are treated, the CRPD and its Optional Protocol was proposed and adopted on 13th December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and was opened for signature on 30th March 2007. The CRPD is a human rights instrument and it promotes the enjoyment all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with all different kinds of disabilities.

The ratification of the CRPD is a great cause for celebration particularly for the persons with disabilities community in Saint Lucia as the CRPD is a legally binding agreement whereby the Government of Saint Lucia has agreed to undertake measures nationally to adopt  and enforce the principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons with disabilities without discrimination. The CRPD thereby paves the way for much greater attention to be given to persons with disabilities in Saint Lucia. Take a moment to learn more about this agreement by clicking here: CRPD text.

The NCPD has been and endeavors to continue working and advocating on behalf of persons with disabilities in Saint Lucia to ensure that they receive equal access to education, employment, healthcare and are afforded equal opportunities to progress in our Saint Lucian society. Remember, no one is immune to becoming a person with a disability. Therefore, we encourage you to join and support the NCPD’s efforts to promote and allow persons with disabilities equal opportunities to the privileges that the average citizen enjoys. Like and follow the NCPD on facebook!

We also encourage you to join the Coalition of Civil Society Organisations in uniting, promoting and building the capacity of civil society organisations in Saint Lucia. Together we are stronger and our voices are louder!

Saint Lucia ratifies the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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