World Oceans Day


Oceans cover about two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, yet its depths are still largely unexplored. On June 8th annually, we celebrate World Oceans Day as we recognize and celebrate the importance of our oceans which provide oxygen, provide a habitat for breeding of aquatic species which we use for food, and absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions while regulating the climate, in addition to providing a medium for recreation.

The theme for World Oceans Day this year is: Preventing Plastic Pollution and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean

The 2018 World Oceans Day campaign focuses on the need to reduce plastic pollution which affects not only the chemical properties of the oceans by releasing chemicals into the water, but also affects the marine life in the oceans which play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the overall ocean ecosystems. It is well known that marine animals and plants have been affected by plastics in the ocean, particularly turtles which may mistake clear plastic bags for jellyfish which form part of their regular diet. The effects on the oceans and ocean life affect humans in major ways from the fish and shellfish we eat, to the water cycle and oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air. World Oceans Day promotes the global appreciation of the Oceans and services which it provides, as well as encourages action to address environmental concerns affecting the oceans.

What Can You Do?

The Fisheries Department in Saint Lucia, in collaboration with the Saint Lucia National Trust and Massy Stores, will be hosting a free movie night open to the public on Wednesday, 13th June at 6pm. The movie will be “A Plastic Ocean” and the venue is the Financial Centre in Pointe Seraphine. The movie is an engaging documentary about researchers and scientists embarking on an adventure around the world, to observe and discover shocking truths about plastic pollution. All are encouraged to attend, so that we can increase the environmental consciousness of all members of society. Each citizen has a responsibility to ensure that we conserve of our natural resources, particularly the ocean as we celebrate World Oceans Day, for our health as well as for the benefit of future generations. For more information, please see the movie night event page.

The youth should also be encouraged to participate in environmental activities, like the Plastic Waste Reduction Competition hosted by the Department of Fisheries, under the theme “Your Plastic! Our Ocean!”. Additionally, all persons are encouraged to volunteer and participate in environmental conservation activities hosted by various organisations in Saint Lucia, for example the Caribbean Youth Environmental Network (CYEN), the Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT), the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Youth Emergency Action Committee (YEAC), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Co-operatives, and the Department of Sustainable Development.

World Oceans Day